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Showing posts from May, 2023

Things I've read in 2022

 I wasn't sure how best to title this post. I would say it's a collection of articles but that doesn't quite do justice to the diversity in the list. Before university the majority of my reading was books, supplemented by articles and blog posts. Since University started however I have had no time or perhaps more accurately no energy to read anything outside of my course material except articles and blogs that don't take too much of my time. Having read literally hundreds and hundreds of articles this year I have decided to make a list of the articles I have enjoyed the most and the reasons they have ended up on my list.  1. David Spiegelhalter: " I’ve been meeting with the same group of men for 36 years – here’s what they’ve taught me"  I’ve been meeting with the same group of men for 36 years – here’s what they’ve taught me | Men | The Guardian The first on my list was a surprising one, and a enjoyable read. Having come across David Spiegelhalter as a respec